Santa Barbara Dental Implant Specialist Offers Painless Single-Day Smile Makeovers

Santa Barbara Dental Implant Specialist Offers Painless Single-Day Smile Makeovers, updated 3/31/23, 5:42 AM

Get a full set of beautiful, functional teeth, painlessly, in a single day from Anacapa Dental Art Institute (805-988-8985). It's the All-on-4 procedure, and you can have it done by the man who literally wrote the book, and teaches the class, Dr. Jivraj. Visit

Anacapa Dental Art Institute 2821 N Ventura Rd, Oxnard, CA 93036, United States Website Email

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Santa Barbara Dental Implant Specialist Offers
Single-Day Smile Makeovers
Did you know that alligators can regrow a lost tooth
up to 50 times? Unfortunately, humans aren't quite
so talented, and we need to take a different
Dr. Jivraj from the Anacapa Dental Art
Institute can help you to replace one or
all of your teeth - in a single day, with
minimal discomfort
He's a specialist in the All-on-4
single-day implant procedure,
and teaches it in seminars
around the world.
If you're worried about anxiety, fear
of the dentist, or pain during the
procedure - just ask them about
their sedation options.
With gentle oral sedation you can remain
awake, but unconcerned. Or you can ask
for general anesthesia if you want to
sleep through your whole appointment.
Either way, in only a single
visit, Dr. Jivraj can set you up
with a fully functional, natural-
looking set of teeth, so you
won't spend a single day
without them.
Your teeth are important - they affect you every
minute of every day. When it's time to get a
replacement set, make sure you get them from
the pros.
Learn more at