What Are Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB)?

What Are Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB)?, updated 10/21/22, 7:02 AM

DEIB is in the spotlight. Diversity and inclusion are concepts that most people know, but equity and belonging are becoming more prevalent.

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What Are Diversity,
Equity, Inclusion,
and Belonging
There’s a bright light shining on inclusion these days. Companies everywhere
are looking for ways to improve diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging
(DEIB). Inbound recruiting experts Datapeople define what those concepts
really mean.
Although they’re related and the differences
between them are subtle, the differences are there.
And while diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI)
appear most frequently together these days, that’s
already changing. It wasn’t long ago when it was
just diversity and inclusion as a pair.
It’s hard to overstate the importance of DEIB or how the concepts behind it have impacted
conversations around hiring. Not long ago, job seekers didn’t really talk about corporate moral codes.
They do now. Today’s job seekers expect at least some social consciousness from their employers.
And they’re not the only ones. Socially
conscious investors are making investing
decisions based on corporate behavior. They
use a set of criteria for judging that behavior –
environmental, social, and governance (ESG)
But these aren’t just social consciousness concerns. Unethical behavior in any one of
these areas can sink a business (think oil spill, pay discrimination suit, or huge executive
pay gap). And research shows that companies with diverse workforces tend to do better
than those without.
Diversity is the demographic makeup of a workforce
and the end goal of all DEIB efforts. But it’s not just
gender. It includes gender, ethnicity, physical ability,
age, national origin, socioeconomic background, and
religion, to name a few. Plus any combination of those
aspects (intersectionality).
In a study, the Datapeople R&D team found that DEI statements on job postings (i.e., equal
opportunity employer statements) impact the perceived inclusiveness of employers. It’s a
pledge to DEIB and a signal to job seekers that they’ll be comfortable at a company.
Equity is the leveling of an uneven playing field. It
means providing everyone with equal access to
opportunity, although it doesn’t mean giving everyone
the same level of help. Because not all employees (or
job seekers) are coming from the same level of
access in the first place.
Inclusion is the environment a company fosters for candidates and employees. An
inclusive workplace is one where all candidates and employees feel welcome. It
provides candidates with equal opportunities for employment, success in the job, and
advancement within the organization.
Although it comes third in the acronym, inclusion
may be the most important factor in DEIB efforts.
Inclusive hiring processes will naturally yield more
diverse workforces. Inclusive employment policies
will naturally yield happier, more successful
employees of all demographics.
Belonging is the emotional state that is the goal of DEIB efforts. An organization’s
inclusive processes are there to make everyone feel welcome. But for someone to
feel truly welcome, they need to feel welcome exactly as they are.
Diversity is the demographic makeup of your
company and the end goal of all DEI efforts. Equity is
the leveling of an uneven playing field. Inclusion is a
welcoming environment for candidates and
employees of all stripes. And belonging is a feeling of
comfort at an inclusive workplace.
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