Is DeFi Worth It? April 2022 Crypto Report Discusses Risks/Benefits Of Smart Contracts

Is DeFi Worth It? April 2022 Crypto Report Discusses Risks/Benefits Of Smart Contracts, updated 5/10/22, 1:31 PM

Radix Beacon is a trusted crypto website releasing regular reports on the DeFi industry. Their newest blog talks about the risks and benefits of the DeFi system. Learn more at

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Is DeFi Worth It? 2022 Crypto Report Discusses
Risks/Benefits Of Smart Contracts
 Decentralized Finance is an
umbrella term for a part of the
cryptocurrency universe that is
geared towards new, internet-
native financial systems.
With the ecosystem growing at
record rates, you may not know
which is which, and whether
the blockchain systems are a
good investment.
Addressing this in their new
report, Radix Beacon discusses
the inherent benefits and risks of
replacing traditional
intermediaries and trust
mechanics with software.
As the name suggests,
decentralized finance
operates completely
differently from traditional
banking systems.
Whereas the latter needs
intermediaries, such as banks or
stock exchanges, to validate
transactions, the former replaces
the middleman with intelligent
software patterned within a
In the new report, the author
likens DeFi to the first test
flight by Chuck Yeager in the
fall of 1947.
While not a smooth flight, this
flight, along with its succeeding
test flights, propelled the way
forward to a newer, more
efficient airline system.
The same can be true for Defi
The industry is still only a few
years old and is a radically
different banking vehicle for
the whole world. 
Disclaimer: This information
does not constitute
investment advice or any
other kind of advice!
 Learn more at
Check out the
report today!