Pilates - Frequently Asked Questions

Pilates - Frequently Asked Questions , updated 4/24/23, 9:31 AM

10 FAQs About Pilates

Jane Hamilton has answered many of the questions she is frequently asked about Pilates and Pilates classes. They include is Pilates good for sciatica, should men do Pilates, and can Pilates help strengthen the pelvic floor. 

About Jane Hamilton Pilates

Pilates Edinburgh

Jane Hamilton Pilates offers professional and friendly online Pilates classes for adults of all ages and levels of ability. 

What is Pilates?

Pilates is a fitness class that develops the body uniformly and focuses on core muscles and breathing. Each exercise has options for every ability. It can help prevent injury and can relieve backache, neck pain and many more common ailments. 

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10 Frequently
Asked Questions
About Pilates
is pilates good
for you?
Not just physically but it helps you mentally too. Many
class members say they feel good in themselves after a
class, more upbeat and energised ready to take on their
day and week. A Pilates class is a way of drawing you into
the present moment with focused breathing, being with
your physical body unwinding and releasing tension
there. Relaxation is one of the 8 fundamental principles of
Is Pilates
Cardiovascular exercise is exercise that gets your heart
rate up and increases your breathing often referred to as
aerobic exercise such as running, brisk walking, cycling
and swimming.
Pilates is about breathing, stretching and strengthening.
Is Pilates
good for
weight loss?
Yes and No
This is a very common question and although Pilates is not
cardiovascular exercise, it is a form of exercise that tests your stamina
with a series of repeat exercise moves. If you do a regular cardio
workout in conjunction with a regular Pilates class, and eat and drink
sensibly there is no doubt you will lose weight and tone up.
With better postural alignment you develop in class you stand taller
which makes you look slimmer and toned.
Is Pilates a
good workout?
Pilates is a good workout for all the muscles and joints. In
each Pilates class you work around the body using biceps,
triceps, abdominals and gluteal muscles in various
positions. You mobilise, stretch, and strengthen your
muscles and there are exercises that challenge your
balance too. Correct Pilates breathing throughout a class
is a good workout in itself for muscles such as the
diaphragm, abdominals and obliques.
Is Pilates good
for men?
Pilates is good for everyone! We all have the same core
muscles and pelvic floor muscles. Pilates is the number
one way to develop and maintain a healthy back and
strong core. Pilates works well in conjunction with all
activities and sports - you get more out of them, perform
better and there is more chance that you remain injury
free with the mobility, flexibility and strength you build
up in class.
Is Pilates
good for
Regular Pilates classes practising specific, gentle moves at first that
don’t overstretch the nerve will help ease Sciatica.
The sciatic nerve originates in the lower back, it is the largest and
longest nerve in the body and runs to the hip and then to the leg and
foot. If there is an obstruction, restriction or irritation to the nerve
through injury you can feel pain, tingling and numbness anywhere
along it. If we keep our back mobile, balance the pelvis and realign the
hips with regular Pilates moves the left and right sciatic nerves will
move freely through the body keeping us pain-free.
is pilates
Pilates is a form of strength training because it
incorporates resistance training through body weight and
other equipment such as small weights or resistance
bands. The resistance exercises build muscular strength,
stability and endurance.
Is Pilates good for
the pelvic floor?
The pelvic floor is one set of core muscles used in Pilates.
When pelvic muscles are not strong enough pelvic organ
prolapse can happen in women.
Pelvic muscle damaged can lead to urinary incontinence in both
men and women and erectile dysfunction in men.
Strengthening your pelvic floor muscles can improve the
symptoms of pelvic organ prolapse, help urinary incontinence
and make sex better too.
Everyone can benefit from doing pelvic floor exercises.
Is Pilates
During Pilates classes, strength moves are repeated 10 - 20 times
depending on the class level.
Resistance exercises are practised to build up strength in the body.
These include exercises like the plank and press ups but don’t worry
there are different levels to each of these exercises so you develop
your strength, stability and stamina through weekly classes over time.
is pilates
Pilates is easy when you know how. You build up through
the different levels of a Pilates move each class. Why not
give it a try?
You can get all the same benefits with an online Pilates
class as a studio class. Online classes are ideal for people
who want to squeeze a class in during their lunch hour or
for those who find it hard to get out.
Phone number
07711 258873
provided by:
Jane Hamilton from
Jane Hamilton Pilates in Edinburgh