No-Meds Pain Removers for Rapid Relief

No-Meds Pain Removers for Rapid Relief, updated 8/28/22, 7:42 PM


Energy medicine expert, Nidhu B Kapoor presents No-Meds pain Removers via India’s major healing company, The Mystic Lotus and Dragonflies. These involve no pills, sprays, ointments, etc. They include simple steps, as simple as breathing in a particular way.

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No-Meds Pain Removers for
Rapid Relief
1. Two Glasses of Water
Have two glasses of water (one after the other).
You have to try it to believe it! Our water's
ability to dissolve toxins, acidity, stuck energies
(all of which contribute to pain) is completely
overlooked.    Please also have 2 glasses of
water before trying any of the following
2. Vayu Mudra
We must manage wind and fire elements for
pain release. Vayu mudra, for reducing the
wind element is with the thumb over bent
index finger with the other fingers upright.
This is meant to be used only at the time of a
pain. It is a lifesaver for gas pains, bloating
and tummy cramps.
3. Pain-killer Mudra
Hold index finger plus middle
finger together with the
opposite hand for at least 10
minutes. Begin on the side
where there is more pain.
4. Tapping
You can also tap the index and
middle fingers with the thumb as
shown. This calms down both,
the wind and fire element in the
body, as both in excess
contribute to pain.
5. The Decrees
Drink water. Say, “pain, You Can Leave
Now” - 10 times. Have some water
again. You have just used the fastest
healing technology in the world, The
Decrees - simply put, action statements
on steroids or mantras in English that
work in SECONDS!
Try Decrees Challenges for
monies, weight, etc. at