Adult Special Needs Dentists In Fort Worth, TX Offer Safe Dental Sedation

Adult Special Needs Dentists In Fort Worth, TX Offer Safe Dental Sedation, updated 3/14/22, 6:31 AM

Disability Dental (972-433-7294) is passionate about serving adult special needs patients in Fort Worth, TX. We also offer dental anesthesia services for patients who have a hard time calming down. Learn more at

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Adult Special Needs
Dentists In Fort Worth,
TX Offer Safe Dental
Dental anxiety, which is more commonly known as the
“fear of the dentist”, affects many people worldwide. 
The condition can prompt a person
to start shaking when around a
dental practitioner; for adultswith
special needs, it can cause them to
lash out or act inappropriately. 
Our team Disability Dental offers anesthesia and sedation
services for individuals who cannot calm down on their own. 
With our dental packages, you
are assured that your loved one
is safe. 
Performed by an in-house Board-Certified anesthesiologist,
patients are gently sedated while we perform regular check-
ups or even simple surgeries. 
According to the latest reports,
dental care is one of the least
attended to needs for disabled
Experts believe that for many families, one's teeth are not
considered "important" or that it's too "difficult" due to severe dental
We argue that basic dental
hygiene plays a significant role
in overall health.
Those with cerebral palsy, Down’s Syndrome, brain injury, or
dementia, can violently lash out, not only to others but to
It is important that they can be
calmed down with proper care
and assured that there will be no
pain with anesthesia services. 
Let us help
We encourage you to schedule your
appointment at the clinic at least a
day before your intended date to
practice social distancing.