Build Hope & Resilience In Students Experiencing Trauma With Emotional Intelligence Curriculum

Build Hope & Resilience In Students Experiencing Trauma With Emotional Intelligence Curriculum, updated 4/10/23, 1:16 PM

As the prevalence of childhood trauma has become increasingly clear, so too has the need for EI programming to help students overcome adversity. Hope Rising's EI curriculum, "My Best Me", fosters hope in students to help them achieve a brighter future. Go to

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Build Hope & Resilience In Students
Experiencing Trauma With EI
For students struggling to
perform academically, focus
in class, and engage in
healthy, respectful dialogue,
the culprit may likely be
childhood trauma.
Hope has been proven to
be one of the most
powerful tools for
overcoming the adverse
effects of traumatic
childhood experiences.
Hope Rising's emotional
intelligence curriculum, "My
Best Me", actively teaches
students how to be hopeful
through practical skills they
can develop and nurture.
In over 2,000 studies on
illness, trauma, and
resilience, hope has
proven to be the most
predictive indicator of
well-being in a person's
Childhood trauma is directly
linked to a low level of hope,
creating poor self-esteem,
difficulty building healthy
relationships, and a
negative outlook for the
"My Best Me" teaches students a
3-step hope-building method of
setting goals, creating actionable
pathways to those goals, and
cultivating the willpower they need
to succeed.
Students learn how to maintain order in their mental, emotional and physical health,
and techniques for having healthy interactions with classmates, teachers and family
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