Health Insurance In Arlington Increases Coverage For Millions of Americans

Health Insurance In Arlington Increases Coverage For Millions of Americans, updated 8/9/21, 5:54 PM


Rick Thornton, an Arlington health insurance agent, says the long-term benefits of the Affordable Care Act on Americans with disabilities is further proof that the embattled bill deserves high praise.

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Health Insurance In Arlington Increases
Coverage For Millions of Americans
Arlington health insurance coverage over the
long-term has quietly been increasing and
benefitting millions of Americans with
disabilities ever since the Affordable Care
Act was signed into law more than a decade
ago, a new federal data report confirmed
earlier this month.
According to Time Magazine, the
proportion of working age adults with
disabilities who had expanded health
insurance coverage for the whole
year increased from 71.4% in 2010-
2011 to 81.2% in 2017 and 2018.
Even more striking, the proportion
of people with disabilities who did
not have health insurance in
Arlington for the whole year was
nearly cut in half - falling from
17.1% to 9.3% over the same time-
By the same token, the report found that
adults with disabilities were still 5% less likely
to have insurance for the whole year than
adults without disabilities, 17% more likely to
be uninsured for the entire year, and 54%
more likely to be insured for part of the year,
the report continued.
Rick Thornton, a Arlington health
insurance agent said that while the
report appears to be a mixed bag in
terms of how the ACA has benefitted
Americans with disabilities, it is clear
that the positives far outweigh the
negative statistics.
The disabilities community was
hit harder by the pandemic,
making them vulnerable to the
spread of the virus and inflated
healthcare costs.
Any relief, especially with
expanded healthcare
coverage, is a step in the
right direction.
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