Find Genuine Leads & Messages On Your Business’s Website With Anti-Spam Filters

Find Genuine Leads & Messages On Your Business’s Website With Anti-Spam Filters, updated 8/23/22, 1:01 PM

Would you like a simple way to filter out the spam your business’s website receives and get to the meat of your leads? Then has the solution you need with its website submission filter management system!

Visit for more information.

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Find Genuine Leads & Messages On Your
Business’s Website With Anti-Spam Filters
If your website constantly receives spam for competitions you never
entered, it can stop you from seeing real-life leads and messages from
your prospective customers. has the
solution you need with its
anti-spam filter platform,
which helps you improve
your online customer
The system provides an intuitive
dashboard that allows you to
see the genuine leads and
messages that have been sent
to your website, with any spam
submissions filtered out.
The platform can detect
and filter out 99% of spam
messages from malicious
and unwanted sources
such as solicitors, bots,
scammers, phishers, and
However, to prevent the
loss of important leads and
information, the system
keeps all submissions to
allow you to review and
correct any mistakenly
filtered messages.
Alongside its filtration service,’s platform also includes a
lead manager dashboard, notification controls, conversion rates analysis, and
CRM integration.
Improve your business’s lead management by filtering out
spam submissions to your website today!
Visit for
more information.