Looking for Educational Grant Money? Check this out now!

Looking for Educational Grant Money? Check this out now!, updated 10/11/21, 10:27 PM


The 2021 Grants Guide For Educational Agencies prepared by the staff at PTZOptics is available for free from Cole Associates Inc, a dealer of Pro-AV equipment and systems.

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Looking for Educational Grant
Money? Check this out now!
The latest edition of the 2021 Grants
Guide Educational Grant Guide from
PTZ Optics has been released, and
this year's guide is meant to help
educators find grants that will fund
streaming video projects in their
This year's guide includes
information on more than $1 billion
worth of grants available from
federal agencies as well as private
foundations, corporations and
other organizations.
This year's guide provides
a comprehensive overview
of programs being offered.
Grants are also included
which cover topics such as
STEM education and
literacy or arts education.
With so many different types of funding
sources available to educators, this book helps
them navigate the process of applying for
these funds with ease! The 2021 Grants Guide
For Educational Agencies is a step-by-step
guide that is full of information on what grants
are and how they work.
It has detailed instruction with
templates and resources to
help you be successful in your
grant application process.
The book will give you the knowledge you need
to plan for seeking out grants so that when the
time is right, you'll know exactly what it takes to
get one! Helpful sections include:
understanding grants; applying for funding;
governance committees; considering
fundraising or other funding sources for
The Guide also covers some
common misconceptions about
why education should bother
with live streaming while offering
practical advice on how to justify
Also included is a section on the
uses of PTZ Optics equipment by
educational Institutions, the
process of writing your narrative,
and how to Submit and Track
your Application.
Cole Associates Inc will also
send you information on
equipment we carry which will
make upgrading your
classroom technology a cinch.
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