This Children's Colorful Illustrated Book Teaches Kids About Shark Conservation

This Children's Colorful Illustrated Book Teaches Kids About Shark Conservation, updated 12/28/21, 7:01 PM

Want to help your kids learn more about the environment? Trying to get them engaged in learning about animals and endangered species? Then take a look at ‘Sharks: Ocean Rescue Squad’ from Children’s Books for Kids Who Care! Go to for more information.

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This Children's Colorful Illustrated Book
Teaches Kids About Shark Conservation
For young children, learning facts
and figures about endangered
species and the planet can be
overwhelming - and certain types of
knowledge go in one ear, and come
straight out of the other!
So break it down into manageable
pieces and help them understand with
images and facts that entertain and
engage! Help them along with non-
fiction offerings from Children’s Books
for Kids Who Care and author Carol
‘Carrots’ Perkins!
Including a number of illustrations,
'Sharks: Ocean Rescue Squad' dives
into the topic of sharks and their role
in the ecosystem of the ocean,
watering down the important bits so
that your kids really take the
knowledge on board.
With a vital understanding of the
learning techniques of children, Carol
developed ‘Sharks: Ocean Rescue
Squad’ by breaking down statistics
and facts, and laying them out in
small chunks to help your kids take
them in.
She decided to rectify this by
creating a series of books that
would explain the complex topics
in simple-to-understand terms, to
help build a new generation of
children who care.
Dismissing the idea of a heavy,
chunky book of hard-to-pronounce
terms, she instead chose to use
visual aids in the form of
illustrations, to keep the book a
more manageable length.
Dismissing the idea of a heavy,
chunky book of hard-to-
pronounce terms, she instead
chose to use visual aids in the
form of illustrations, to keep the
book a more manageable length.
Carrots' approach focuses on
including memorable, titillating
facts about sharks that incite
the interest of your kids - and
are more likely to be retained.
The author also intends to
follow up this installment with
a short non-fiction book for
kids on the subject of rhinos.
Children's Books for Kids Who
Care is the series you can rely on
to help your kids expand their
knowledge of endangered
animals and the way that we as a
species affect our planet.
Go to
https://www.childrensbooks to find
out more!