ERTC Rebate Calculation Guide 2022: How To Determine Your Maximum Tax Credits

ERTC Rebate Calculation Guide 2022: How To Determine Your Maximum Tax Credits, updated 5/13/22, 7:44 AM

Find out how much you can claim in tax credits with the ERC program using this new guide from Scott Hall. It includes a free eligibility check tool and answers to the most common questions. Visit to read the full guide.

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ERTC Rebate Calculation Guide 2022: How
To Determine Your Maximum Tax Credits
Can your business claim the
maximum amount for ERTC
rebates? Do cash tips,
healthcare contributions, or
paid time off get included? 
Find all the answers you need to
calculate your rebate for 2020
and 2021 or get in touch with an
ERTC specialist who can pre-
qualify you for a rebate.
In 2020, when many small
businesses were suffering
financial losses, the federal
government created several
pandemic relief programs you
could enroll in.
 One of the lesser-known programs,
the Employee Retention Tax Credit
(ERTC), is still open for enrollment,
and you can use this new guide
created by Scott Hall to calculate
your maximum allowable rebate.
The in-depth guide contains
important information for business
owners who have already received
funds through the Paycheck
Protection Program (PPP) about
changes to the eligibility
Though these business owners
were originally disqualified from
enrolling in the ERTC, that
changed in 2021 with the
passing of the Consolidated
Appropriations Act.
You can now enroll in both
programs, and the report
explains how PPP loans
factor into your tax rebate
Unlike the PPP, ERTC
rebates are not a loan, and do
not need to be repaid. They
also have no restrictions on
how they can be spent.
Eligible business owners
may claim as much as
$26,000 per employee. 
You may also choose to have your
rebates calculated by ERTC specialists.
To have an expert pre-qualify your
company for a rebate, you can take the
free eligibility assessment and then
request a consultation to have them
calculate your tax credits.
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